Core Resources

The Luminary Cloud API consists of operations for creating, reading, and modifying objects in the Luminary Cloud platform. We call these objects “resources.” The core resources are listed below.

These operations are available through the SDK as methods related to the corresponding resource classes. For example, the Simulation resource has these basic “CRUD” methods:

Some resources may support slightly more advanced or more specific operations than these generic CRUD methods. For example, Geometry has a Geometry:add_farfield() method that adds a farfield volume to the geometry.

Resource IDs

Each resource you create in the API will have a globally unique ID. The IDs are strings of the format: <prefix>-<unique id>, where prefix varies based on the resource type. Some example resource IDs are shown in the table below.

Resource Type

Example ID







There are two primary ways to access resources you have previously created: get APIs and list APIs.

If you already have the ID of the resource you’d like to access, you can simply use the get API corresponding to the resource type, for example:

import luminarycloud as lc

my_project = lc.get_project("p-dyd4voqsbm62m4nt6ychnrib4e01x5nq7k6tzn2f64cillg14b")
my_sim = lc.get_simulation("sim-a8f0b812-9a5e-4fe7-ab72-4787476cd662")

If you don’t have a resource ID, you can use list APIs to find what you need:

import luminarycloud as lc

all_projects = lc.list_projects()
for p in projects:
  # print out the project info to help us find the one we want
  print(,, p.description)

# let's pick the first project
my_project = all_projects[0]

# list all meshes that are available in this project
meshes_in_my_project = my_project.list_meshes()