
Release date: 2024-07-30

Early Access

The Luminary Cloud API and Python SDK are Early Access features that are still under development. View the Luminary Cloud Early Access Terms. The interface may change, and you may need to migrate or discard scripts and configuration files multiple times before v1.0.0 is released. In the future, migrations may also be necessary when upgrading to new major versions of the SDK (e.g. v2.0.0).



See the Upgrade Guide for instructions on how to upgrade a previously installed SDK version.

Release Notes


Migration Guide

download_surface_data and download_volume_data

Upgrading to this SDK version will require replacing any calls to download_surface_data() or download_volume_data() with the corresponding methods in the Solution class.

For example, suppose you have some code that downloads a surface solution:

with simulation.download_surface_solution() as streaming_tar_file:

This downloads the surface data for the final solution for a completed simulation.

To upgrade while maintaining the same behavior, you will need to first make a call to list_solutions() to get the list of available solutions. For a completed simulation, the last solution in this list should be the final solution. You can call download_surface_data() on it to download the surface data.

The migrated code should look something like this:

latest_solution = simulation.list_solutions()[-1]
with latest_solution.download_surface_data() as streaming_tar_file:

Specifying reference_values

You will need to update relevant uses of the Simulation.download_surface_output method to provide the new reference_values parameter. If this parameter is not specified, default reference values will be used and could result in unexpected outputs.

Removing the all_iterations parameter

You will need to remove any instances of setting the all_iterations parameter in the Simulation.download_surface_output and Simulation.download_global_residuals methods.

Both of these methods will now return all iterations for steady state simulations. If you had previously been calling either of these functions with all_iterations unset or set to False, then you will need to drop all but the last row to maintain the same behavior in your code.