Quickstart with a Python Notebook

This tutorial explains how to use a containerized Python environment with the Luminary Cloud SDK pre-installed to access a pre-written sample notebook in your web browser.

This is the fastest way to starting writing and executing code to run simulations. It’s the best option if you’re looking to quickly get a feel for the Luminary Cloud Python SDK.


If you have never logged in to the Luminary web app, please to log in and accept the terms and conditions before proceeding.

Download Files

Download and unzip the luminarycloud-quickstart files. Throughout this guide, the unzipped directory will be referred to as luminarycloud-quickstart.


To avoid potential problems, make sure there are no spaces in the file path.

For example, do not put the file in a location like this:

C:/My Projects/luminarycloud-quickstart

Instead use:

C:/MyProjects/luminarycloud-quickstart or C:/My_Projects/luminarycloud-quickstart

Install Podman

We’ll use Podman to build and run a container on your computer. It is an open source alternative to Docker and is covered by the Apache License 2.0. The container will have a pre-installed Python environment with everything needed to run SDK examples in an interactive notebook.

Follow the installation instructions on the Podman website for your operating system.


Non-linux users should run the following commands after the initial Podman installation or after restarting their machine.

podman machine init
podman machine start


Linux users. If you are trying to run podman as a non-root user, you may need to allocate ID ranges in /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid to allow podman to create user namespaces in rootless mode. Run the following commands, replacing USERNAME with your actual username:

sudo usermod --add-subuids 10000-75535 USERNAME
sudo usermod --add-subgids 10000-75535 USERNAME
podman system migrate

Build the Image

  1. Change directories to where you downloaded the luminarycloud-quickstart zip file:

cd <path to downloaded luminarycloud-quickstart directory>
  1. Build the image:

podman build -t sdk-notebook .
  1. Check that the sdk-notebook image was built:

podman images

The output should look like this:

REPOSITORY                TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED        SIZE
localhost/sdk-notebook    latest      e3636dfd5648  7 seconds ago  1.39 GB

Run the Notebook Server

  1. Start the container using the sdk-notebook image. This command will keep an active process in your terminal while the server is running:

podman run -v ./notebooks:/notebooks -p 8888:8888 -p 10001:10001 sdk-notebook --ip= --allow-root --no-browser --port=8888 /notebooks


If you get an error like Error: statfs ... no such file or directory, restart the Podman virtual machine by running the following:

podman machine stop && podman machine start

Then retry the podman run ... command above.

  1. To access the notebook, look for a URL like this in the command output and open it in your browser (Google Chrome recommended):

  1. In the left-hand sidebar, find a sample notebook called quickstart-notebook.ipynb. Double-click to open it.

  2. Continue the quickstart tutorial by following the instructions in the notebook.

To stop the notebook server, save your files and return to the terminal where the notebook server is running. Use CTRL-C to interrupt the process and stop the server.

Using the Notebook Interface

This quickstart tutorial utilizes Podman to provide a simple way to quickly run a Python notebook with the Luminary Cloud SDK pre-installed. This method does not affect your existing Python installation(s) and avoids potential dependency conflicts.

Since the notebook runs within a container, it does not have direct access to the “host” filesystem. Follow the steps in the sections below to move files into and out of the container.

Manage Files in the Notebook Interface

Any file you see in the left-hand sidebar of the notebook interface can be downloaded to your host filesystem by right-clicking on the file and selecting Download.


To upload a file from the host filesystem, click the Upload button at the top of the left-hand sidebar.



You can also drag and drop files into the sidebar to upload them.