


Sizing strategy based on a maximum number of cells.


Minimal sizing strategy parameters.


Sizing strategy parameters.


Sizing strategy based on a target number of cells.

Package Contents

class luminarycloud.meshing.sizing_strategy.MaxCount

Bases: SizingStrategy

Sizing strategy based on a maximum number of cells.

If the mesh becomes larger than the max cell count, the mesh will be scaled. Requested boundary layer profiles will be maintained.

max_count: int

The maximum number of cells in the mesh

class luminarycloud.meshing.sizing_strategy.MinimalCount

Bases: SizingStrategy

Minimal sizing strategy parameters.

If this is used, all other meshing parameters are ignored.

class luminarycloud.meshing.sizing_strategy.SizingStrategy

Sizing strategy parameters.

class luminarycloud.meshing.sizing_strategy.TargetCount

Bases: SizingStrategy

Sizing strategy based on a target number of cells.

To reach a target number of cells, the edge length specifications will be proportionally scaled throughout the mesh. Requested boundary layer profiles will be maintained.

target_count: int

The target number of cells in the mesh