


Represents a simulation object.


get_simulation(→ Simulation)

Retrieve a specific simulation by ID.

Module Contents

class luminarycloud.simulation.Simulation(proto_type: google.protobuf.message.Message | None = None)

Represents a simulation object.

id: str

Simulation ID.

name: str

Simulation name.

description: str

Simulation description.

status: luminarycloud.enum.SimulationStatus

Simulation status. May not reflect current status.

mesh_id: str

ID of the simulation mesh.

property create_time: datetime.datetime
property update_time: datetime.datetime
update(*, name: str = None) None

Update/Edit simulation attributes.

Mutates self.

namestr, optional

New project name.

wait(*, print_residuals: bool = False, interval_seconds: float = 5, timeout_seconds: float = float('inf')) luminarycloud.enum.SimulationStatus

Wait until the simulation is completed, failed, or suspended.

print_residualsbool, optional

If true, residual values for the latest completed iteration will be printed. Frequency is based on interval_seconds.

intervalfloat, optional

Number of seconds between polls.

timeoutfloat, optional

Number of seconds before timeout.


Current status of the simulation.

download_global_residuals(normalization: luminarycloud.enum.ResidualNormalization = ResidualNormalization.RELATIVE) _DownloadedTextFile

Download global residuals in csv format.

normalizationResidualNormalization, optional

The type of normalization to use. Default is relative normalization.


Stream of text. The filename can be retrieved from the “filename” attribute of the object.


Create a Pandas dataframe:

>>> from luminarycloud.enum import ResidualType
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> with simulation.download_global_residuals() as dl:
...     residuals_df = pd.read_csv(dl)

Save to disk:

>>> with download_global_residuals() as dl:
...     with open(dl.filename, "wb") as fp:
...         fp.write(
download_surface_output(quantity_type: luminarycloud.enum.QuantityType, surface_ids: list[str], *, reference_values: luminarycloud.reference_values.ReferenceValues = None, calculation_type: luminarycloud.enum.CalculationType = CalculationType.PER_SURFACE, frame_id: str = '', force_direction: luminarycloud.vector3.Vector3 | None = None, moment_center: luminarycloud.vector3.Vector3 | None = None, averaging_type: luminarycloud.enum.AveragingType = AveragingType.UNSPECIFIED) _DownloadedTextFile

Downloads surface outputs (e.g. lift, drag, …) in csv format.


Surface quantity type to compute (e.g. lift, drag).

surface_idslist of str

List of names of the surfaces to compute the quantities for. Should have at least one element.


Stream of text. The filename can be retrieved from the “filename” attribute of the object.

Other Parameters:
reference_valuesReferenceValues, optional

Reference values used for computing forces, moments and other non-dimensional output quantities. If not provided, default reference values will be used.

calculation_typeCalculationType, optional

Whether the calculation should be done for all the surfaces together or each surface individually. Default is PER_SURFACE.

frame_id: str, optional

The ID of the reference frame that this output should be reported in for “force” quantity types.

force_directionVector3, optional

The direction of the query component for “force” quantity types. Required for certain quantity types.

moment_centerVector3, optional

The center of moment for “force” quantity types. Required for certain quantity types. Ignored if not applicable.

averaging_typeAveragingType, optional

The averaging method used to compute “surface average” quantity types. Ignored if not applicable.


Create a Pandas dataframe:

>>> from luminarycloud.enum import QuantityType
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> with simulation.download_surface_output(QuantityType.LIFT, ["0/bound/airfoil"], frame_id="body_frame_id") as dl:
...     outputs_df = pd.read_csv(dl)

Save to disk:

>>> with simulation.download_surface_output(QuantityType.LIFT, ["0/bound/airfoil"]) as dl:
...     with open(dl.filename, "w") as fp:
...         fp.write(
delete() None

Delete the simulation.

The simulation will be stopped first if running. This operation cannot be reverted and all the simulation data will be deleted as part of this request.

suspend() None

Suspend the simulation.

list_solutions() list[luminarycloud.solution.Solution]

List all solutions for this simulation in ascending order of iteration.

luminarycloud.simulation.get_simulation(id: str) Simulation

Retrieve a specific simulation by ID.


Simulation ID.