


Fluid flow physics configuration.


Physics configuration for a simulation.

Package Contents

class luminarycloud.params.physics.Fluid

Bases: luminarycloud.params.physics.Physics, luminarycloud.params._param_wrappers.Fluid

Fluid flow physics configuration.

adjoint_controls_fluid: AdjointControlsFluid | None
basic_fluid: BasicFluid | None

Basic settings for a fluid flow physics solver.

boundary_conditions: list[luminarycloud.params.boundary_conditions.BoundaryCondition]

List of boundary conditions.

cavitation: Cavitation | None

Cavitation settings for a fluid flow physics solver.

initialization_fluid: InitializationFluid | None

Initialization settings for a fluid flow physics solver.

periodic_pair: list[PeriodicPair]

Defines the input options needed for periodic boundaries. We assume each periodic BC can have translational OR rotational periodicity. To transform a point on boundary A to its periodically matching point on boundary B, we first subtract the center of rotation from the point coordinates to get the distance vector from the center to the point of interest, then we apply rotation around the periodicity axis and add back the center of rotation to get the coordinates of the transformed point.

physical_behavior: list[PhysicalBehavior]

Physical behavior settings for a fluid flow physics solver.

porous_behavior: list[PorousBehavior]

Porous model settings for a fluid flow physics solver.

sliding_interfaces: list[SlidingInterfaces]

Defines the two sides that form a sliding interface. The two sides are abutting, possibly in combination with a periodic transformation, and should have the same normal grid velocity. The tangential grid velocity can, and usually will, be different. Each side of the sliding interface can be composed out of an arbitrary number of surfaces.

solution_controls_fluid: SolutionControlsFluid | None

Solution controls for a fluid flow physics solver.

spatial_discretization_fluid: SpatialDiscretizationFluid | None

Spatial discretization settings for a fluid flow physics solver.

turbulence: Turbulence | None

Turbulence settings for a fluid flow physics solver.

class luminarycloud.params.physics.Physics

Bases: luminarycloud.params._param_wrappers.ParamGroupWrapper[luminarycloud._proto.client.simulation_pb2.Physics]

Physics configuration for a simulation.

id: str

Unique identifier for a physics entity

name: str = ''